New Year, New Hobby: Starting a New Hobby

Starting a new hobby: a record playing on a desk


Every new year is a new opportunity to pursue what interests you most and develop a new hobby. That being said, the possibilities are endless. Settling on one specific hobby can be a major endeavor. The best way to get started is to settle on one thing that interests you and dedicate your time to that (although you may have room for more hobbies later). Take, for example, vinyl collecting. Are you interested in starting a new hobby this year? If so, let’s dive into how to start a new hobby, like how to start collecting vinyl!

Begin by Learning Everything You Can About Your Prospective Hobby

Every hobby should be rooted in passion. After all, a hobby without passion may end up feeling more like a chore over time than something you truly enjoy doing. That being said, it can be difficult to be passionate about something if you’re not thoroughly knowledgeable about the topic at hand. Now’s the time to ask questions about the hobby you plan to start. In the case of records, what is their history? Why did they make a comeback as a popular music medium? More importantly, what are some of the benefits that vinyl has to offer over other methods of enjoying music? 

When starting a new hobby, you should also ask yourself some questions. Why vinyl? How much time or money are you looking to sink into your new hobby? Why does it interest you, and is this something that’s going to carry over into next year or beyond? What types of tools will you need to thoroughly enjoy vinyl collecting? Asking questions ensures that you have a real interest in your hobby and a dedication to your newfound passion. 

Seek Out the Wisdom of Seasoned Hobbyists in Your Area of Interest

Starting a new hobby can often be a bit more complex than some enthusiasts believe. Additionally, learning how to start collecting vinyl can be taught in many different ways, where different people have unique nuggets of wisdom to offer you along your journey. The next step in learning how to start a new hobby is looking for tips and tricks from others in your community. See what more experienced collectors have to say about their craft. 

How did they first get started in vinyl collecting? What were some of the most impactful experiences they have had so far? Those who have been in the community longer may have some wonderful insights that will allow you to get even more out of your new hobby. Better yet, they can help you understand and avoid some of the most common mistakes that they have experienced when starting a new hobby. 

Start Small & Take the Time to Perfect Your Hobby

Some hobbyists simply want to dive right in and kickstart their hobby. However, that might not be advisable, especially for hobbies where physical materials and initial investments are required. Collecting vinyl means making sure you have the right equipment to enjoy them as well as the right tools to build your collection. Then, once all this is in place, you can begin looking for your favorite vinyls. Start small and look for records that you really want. Maybe you can set a limit for how many vinyls you’ll purchase per month when starting a new hobby. 

This helps you ensure that every purchase is meaningful and that you’re building a collection you really love. Over time, you’ll get a better feel for where you can get high-quality records at reasonable prices, how to pick out the right vinyl so that you’re positively contributing to your hobby, and other essential tricks. Starting a new hobby small allows you to maintain full control over your hobby as you learn and grow. 

Make Sure You’re Investing in the Maintenance Required for Your Hobby

If you’re looking into how to start collecting vinyl, a major aspect of it is proper care. Vinyl is extremely fragile, and those interested in learning how to start a new hobby like collecting vinyl records must make sure that they’re properly cleaning, storing, and preserving their collection over the course of their hobby. While it does take some time to learn some of the best care methods when starting a new hobby, it takes no time at all to find a company committed to the quality of your collection. That’s where Big Fudge comes in!

From vinyl cleaning to vinyl protection, we offer a wide range of premium products geared toward your new vinyl collecting hobby. We also focus on offering a premium experience with great prices, exceptional customer service, and beyond. Ready to preserve your new vinyl collection? Shop now or contact us with any questions you have!